Beeswax Candles
This year we have worked to produce a lovely new range of handcrafted Pure Cornish Beeswax Candles. We think the pure clear flame, natural honey scent and hypoallergenic properties of beeswax are a clear winner. But when you add that it's the only wax that emits negative ions, helping to clean the air in your home of toxins! Well nature wins again over synthetic alternatives. Well done those Bees. Just another reason why the world simply can't live without them.
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New for 2024- Fabric For sale
View MoreAbout Caroline at Bee Retro
After 25 yrs as a teacher I finally quit and have never looked back. I decided to combine my love of design and fabrics with my love for the environment and bees. I started this lovely business using the refund from a flight with a budget airline that left me sitting in Manchester overnight.
Since then I have started training as a bee keeper with the lady that sells me most of my Beeswax here in North Cornwall. I make all my products myself and love the challenge of creating a variety of biodegradable products which help to reduce the amount of single use plastics being consumed by society. Living in Cornwall and walking my dogs on the beach each day really makes me feel determined as I see the effects of our wasteful society washing up on our beautiful beaches each day. I pick up a never ending array of plastic litter and sea garbage. My aim is to in some small way combat this problem and encourage others to do the same.